Thursday, July 12, 2012

We spent two beautiful days in Gooseberry Falls State Park, north of Duluth, MN along the shores of Lake Superior.  Couldn't have asked for better weather.  The sky was blue, the air warm (mid 80s perhaps) and the nights cool enough to need a sweatshirt.  This was our first camping experience and what an experience it was!  I still laugh out loud when I think of how Jack got into the back of the truck the first night to sleep.  It was really comical but, perhaps, only if you were there.

Middle Falls, one of four waterfalls in Gooseberry Falls State Park

Lower Falls, Gooseberry Falls State Park

During our time in the park, we visited two lighthouses: Two Harbors Light Station and Split Rock Lighthouse.  As you can see, they are quite different but beautiful in their own way.

Two Harbors Light Station, Two Harbors, MN plus the lighthouse keeper's residence.  It was not unusual for a lighthouse keeper to live in or along side tthe lighthouse he tended.

This is the channel marker at the end of the jetty at the opening of the harbor at Two Harbors.

Split Rock Lighthouse was built in 1910,  five years after the shipwreck of the Medeira; it sits atop a cliff.  It is the oldest working lighthouse on Lake Superior.

Split Rock Lighthouse, another view.  Gives you some idea of how high up on a cliff it is.

The shoreline of Lake Superior is rocky as evidenced in the pictures below.

 I was out on the rocks to take this one.

Lake Superior boasts of having palisades.  We were able to see the beginning of them.  We drove further up the coastal highway (North Shore Drive) to see more; but, alas, they were not visible from the road.


We left Gooseberry Falls State Park this morning around 10 a.m. and drove for most of the day, ending our day's journey in Moorhead, MN.  We will be crossing the border into North Dakota shortly after we start out in the morning.


  1. What a beautiful area! Love the pictures! Keep them coming - you are doing a great job of keeping us current!

  2. Yes very pretty! Did you try the wild gooseberries?
