Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another day on the road.  As we left Osoyoos, we traveled north along the coast of the lake and saw oceans of grapevines (vineyards) and many fruit trees (apple, peach, cherry, apricot).  The area is definitely lake country--huge lakes with hundreds of miles of shoreline.  Actually, it seems the series of lakes is in fact one lake--Okanagan Lake.  It was too hazy for pictures to come out clear so I didn't take any but it was quite a sight to see.  Never saw so many vineyards, one after the other, before on the shores and up the side hills of such a huge Lake! 

Driving along Rt. 3 and then Canada 5 (equivalent to our interstates) we traveled through mountain passes with mountains full of evergreens (except the areas where Canada has deforested to try to kill the pest that is killing the evergreens), snow in mountain crevices and resulting waterfalls, meandering rivers through the valleys.  The temperature fluctuated between 64 and 82 degrees, depending on how high up in the mountains we were.

We arrived in the town of Hope around 2:30 p.m. and registered at a motel, going out for a walk after Jack had a much deserved nap.  There have been chainsaw art contests in this town for a number of years and the art is displayed in various parts of the town.  Neither of us had our cameras when we took our walk so after dinner, we went back and took pictures of the various pieces on display.  Here are a few:

This is "Harry" according to the plaque next to him

I think this has something to do with hunting.  See the squirrel at the top of the pole?

At first I thought this was a fisherman.  What do you think?

This is perhaps a totem

The Fraser River, the longest in British Columbia (850 miles long), sweeps by the town of Hope and at times is full of salmon returning to spawn upriver somewhere.  According to the history we read at a small park overlooking the river, sturgeon are also plentiful in this river and have fed the Native tribes for centuries.  The river is wide and the current swift as it passes through the canyon it made and in which Hope lies.  At one time Fort Hope (they dropped the Fort part some time ago) was a trading post; don't know if it was every a military fort.

The Fraser River; there's an island in the middle of it at this point.

The Fraser River.  The sun has dropped below the mountain to the right.

So tomorrow we will drive again, perhaps 200 miles, and will be within a stone's throw of August Camp at our stopping point.  Don't know if we will have Internet at camp; so if you don't hear from us for a while, you'll know there was no service. We are both doing well health-wise and every-other-wise.  We're having a great time!!!

1 comment:

  1. The faces of Harry and the "fisherman" look exactly the same!
